Wondering when the right time is to put up your Christmas tree? We take a look at where the tradition of the Christmas tree comes from, and what that might mean for you and decorating your home.
The tradition of putting up and decorating a Christmas tree is one of those festive activities that we all look forward to as it can really get you in the spirit for the season.
For many people, December 1 marks the date when it is socially acceptable to put up your tree — any date before then is too early to put up Christmas decorations. As Christmas was traditionally a Christian religious celebration, you could go by the date on which the Church commences celebrating the pending birth of Jesus on Christmas Day: the beginning of Advent. Advent is the first ‘Advent Sunday’ or the first of four Sundays that come before Christmas Day. This date usually falls between November 27 and December 3, meaning that going by this tradition, any date after November 27 would be the right time to put up your Christmas tree and start celebrating Christmas.
Bottom line: Put up your tree whenever it makes sense for you.
When it comes down to it, the evidence is clear. There’s no perfect day to put up a Christmas tree because, as we’ve learned, it’s a very personal event. Different cultures, faiths, and countries celebrate differently, so if you want to put up your tree after Trick or Treating, please, go for it. If you like to wait it out, that’s cool too. Do whatever makes you happy, and more importantly, Merry Christmas.