Sunrise 06:58 & Sunset 18:41

Overview cloudy conditions with moderate to high wind speeds forecast across the Cape today, no rain though, unlike yesterday.
Cape Metro, 16 and 22, SSE winds of up to 28km/h
On the Cape Flats,15 and 22
Along the False Bay coast slightly cooler conditions, with high wind speeds, partly cloudy.
In the Boland area, temperatures this morning between 12 and 14 and the mercury rising into the low to mid 20 degrees – moderate wind speeds forecast for this region.
In the Breede River Valley, wind dying down towards the interior, min 14 peaking in the low 20s – also, cloudy conditions forecast
In the Overberg, another cool day starting at 16 peaking in the low 20s – moderate wind speeds of 19km/h forecast.
Along the West Coast, much the same, becoming slightly warmer, temperatures peaking in the mid 20s with partly cloudy conditions.

Outlook for the long weekend…
Good Friday – overcast conditions, much slower wind speeds – SE below 10km/h, no rain, min 15 and max 23.
Temperatures hover around the same for the rest of the weekend, clear skies on Saturday and Sunday, becoming cloudy by Sunday evening.