A total of 28 Cuban doctors will be deployed across the Cape Town Metro this week, to assist in fighting the coronavirus.

Provincial Health MEC Nomafrench Mbombo welcomed the delegate at the provincial legislature, on Sunday.

They include family physicians, health techs, epidemiologist, and biostatisticians.

The Cubans will remain in the City for the next 12 months.

The Metro has recorded the highest number of infections, at over 12 200.

Deputy Director of General of Health Services in the department, Dr Saaqid Kariem, says the Cubans health practitioners are definitely needed in the Metro.

“The Cape Metro carries the highest burden in the province. Over 70 % of the case load in the province is in the Metropole. That’s our intention is to use the Cuban brigade and clinical colleagues in the Metro”.

Kariem, added that the Cubans doctors will be deployed at the Cape Town International Convention Centre and Brackengate, which are field hospitals.