See! Discover! Explore!

Iziko Museums of South Africa (Iziko) will provide Mother City dwellers and visitors with an exciting #summershowcase of new exhibitions – a varied presentation of art, science, history, and culture. Iziko operates 11 museums and the Planetarium, offering pocket-friendly experiences for all to see, discover and explore.

Visit the Iziko South African National Gallery for a visual feast of artistic expression spanning diverse genres of historical and contemporary art, from Africa and the globe. Enjoy an immersive multi-sensory voyage of the universe at the Iziko Planetarium and Digital Dome. Walk amongst African Dinosaurs, roam through the Whale Well, Shark World and Wonders of our World at the Iziko South African Museum. Step back in time, unearth our histories at the Iziko Slave Lodge and the Iziko Bo-Kaap Museum and engage with our heritage.

#SummerShowcase holiday highlights

This holiday, the Iziko Planetarium and Digital Dome will be open daily, with extra shows on Monday, 20, 27, December 2021; as well as 03 and 10 January 2022. Blast off to space, explore the secrets of our universe or fly through the rings of Saturn. Iziko Planetarium Showtimes at 10:30, 12:00 and 13:00.

Critical Zones – an interdisciplinary exhibition, comprising of four works by artist, Jeanette Unite, explores the interaction between humans and the natural environment. This exhibition draws on concepts of environmental stewardship by highlighting legislation around extraction and the rights of the natural environment through artworks and science objects/specimens. Opening at the Iziko South African Museum, 20 December 2021.

amaHuboa video installation by Buhlebezwe Siwani, interrogates the historical associations between African spiritual beliefs and cosmologies and Christianity. Centring the role of land and black women (and their positionality) within spiritual practices and institutions, amaHubo invites visitors to reflect deeply on the challenges of rootedness, devotion, and healing in our society. Opening at the Iziko South African National Gallery, 22 December 2021.

 New Slavery Exhibitions at the Iziko Slave Lodge, bring into memory previously untold narratives, and give greater recognition to the presence of women and children, to acknowledge their agency and highlight the legacies and afterlives of slavery.

The health and safety of visitors and staff are of utmost importance. Adherence to Covid-19 protocols and regulations are required at all Iziko museums. Temperature screening, Covid questionnaire and contact tracing register must be completed upon entry to the museum. All visitors are required to wear a mask, observe social distancing, and sanitise throughout the visit.


About Iziko Museums of South Africa (Iziko)

Iziko operates 11 national museums, the Planetarium and Digital Dome, the Social History Centre and three collection‑specific libraries in Cape Town. The museums that make up Iziko have their own history and character, presenting extensive art, social and natural history collections that reflect our diverse African heritage. Iziko is a public entity and public benefit organisation that brings together these museums under a single governance and leadership structure. The organisation allows *free access to all individuals on commemorative days, (*excluding the Castle of Good Hope, Groot Constantia and Planetarium and Digital Dome). Visit our webpage at, join our online community on Facebook (, Instagram (@izikomuseumssa) or follow us on Twitter (@Iziko_Museums) for regular updates on events, news and new exhibitions.
















Caption: Installation view, New Slavery exhibition at the Iziko Slave Lodge, Visitors experiencing a Planetarium show, Visitor sharing

an experience at the Iziko South African National Gallery. © Iziko Museums of South Africa


The health and safety of visitors and staff are of utmost importance. Adherence to Covid-19 protocols and regulations are required at all Iziko museums. Temperature screening, Covid questionnaire and contact tracing register must be completed upon entry to the museum. All visitors are required to wear a mask, observe social distancing, and sanitise throughout the visit.




Issued by: Melody Kleinsmith

Communications and Marketing Manager: Iziko Museums of South Africa

Telephone: 021 481 3861 Email:


Issued on behalf of the Office of the CEO, Iziko Museums of South Africa



About Iziko Museums of South Africa (Iziko)


Iziko operates 11 national museums, the Planetarium and Digital Dome, the Social History Centre and three collection‑specific libraries in Cape Town. The museums that make up Iziko have their own history and character, presenting extensive art, social and natural history collections that reflect our diverse African heritage. Iziko is a public entity and public benefit organisation that brings together these museums under a single governance and leadership structure. The organisation allows *free access to all individuals on commemorative days, (*excluding the Castle of Good Hope, Groot Constantia and Planetarium and Digital Dome). Visit our webpage at, join our online community on Facebook (, Instagram (@izikomuseumssa) or follow us on Twitter (@Iziko_Museums) for regular updates on events, news and new exhibitions.