We have all heard about the correct way of squeezing the toothpaste out of the tube right? But what does that say about your personality?
Which one are you?
​Squeezing from the middle
Do you squeeze the tube from the middle? Do you find this easier? Well it means that – you are a practical person who has a lot of friends. While you might not be the tidiest person around, you are very logical and known to focus on the bigger picture. Your best quality is that in the face of a daunting task, you are more than capable of doing it the right way.
Squeezing from the top
Do you give a gentle squeeze at the top of the tube and there is some leftover toothpaste around the nozzle of the tube? You might be a stubborn person who doesn’t trust anyone. You put yourself and your desires above everything, to the extent of being quite selfish.
​Squeezing from the bottom/ back to front
If you start from the back of the tube and roll it as you go up to avoid any wastage, you are a perfectionist. You are careful about utilising all your resources and you don’t like to waste anything. You are a tidy person who loves to clean and organise.