The 6-part series, directed by power-house Nosipho Dumisa, is a gripping story of betrayal, first love and, of course, mystery as we follow young, ambitious Puleng Khumalo (Ama Qamata) on a search for her missing older sister who was abducted at birth.

The South African series, Blood and Water, was just released on Netflix, has already climbed to Netflix’s Top 10 chart across many countries, including the U.S., the U.K. and France.

The new Netflix series only has six episodes, and ends on a cliffhanger, and hopefully for fans, will bring out a second season.

The first episode opens as sixteen-year-old Puleng Khumalo’s family are celebrating the seventeenth birthday of her missing sister, Phumele, who was kidnapped as a baby, snatched from the hospital where she was born. Puleng’s parents, Thandeka (played by Gail Madalane) and Julius (played by Getmore Sithole) have celebrated their missing daughter’s birthday every year. It becomes clear in the opening sequence that both Puleng and her brother Siya (Odwa Gwanya) have grown wary of this.

Puleng (played by Ama Qamata) sneaks out of the celebration to go to a house party with her friend Zama (Cindy Mahlangu), who is dating a rich kid from another school. It is the birthday party of Fikile Bhele (played by Khosi Ngema), the popular swimming champion of the prestigious school for the elite of Cape Town, Parkhurst College. Puleng suspects that Fikile may be Phumele. She decides to transfer schools to investigate herself the case of her abducted sister, after the police arrest her father on human trafficking that may have involved his own lost daughter.

Suga chats to Writer and Director  Nosipho Dumisa, listen to the interview here: