In the heart of Philippi, one of Cape Town’s poorest and most crime-ridden communities, a beacon of hope shines bright. This beacon is the Heart Shine Academy, a place where children and youth can process trauma through joyful, curated creative arts activities.
To kick off the special feature “Sister Hood Sessions” that runs throughout the month of August, Drive326’s very own Suga welcomed Mrs. Tracey Winde into the studio. A powerful advocate for positive change, Tracey shared her reason for launching the Heart Shine Academy, a cause deeply rooted in empowering the next generation.
Heart Shine Academy
Suga’s empathy and warmth allowed Tracey to open up about the unique aspects of Heart Shine Academy. It’s a haven for those who’ve endured hardships. The academy focuses on healing, nurturing, and developing resilience in children and young adults through creative art forms such as singing and dancing.
Tracey’s passion for this mission was palpable. “These are our people and leaders of tomorrow, they’re going to be our doctors, shop assistants, our wine farmers, our leaders and what we put into them now really matters.” Tracy suggests we need to empower them, make them strong and confident, ready to take on the world.
Suga, known for her connection with listeners and engaging interviews, expressed genuine admiration for Tracey’s work. In reflecting the theme of “Sister Hood Sessions,” she applauded Tracey’s contribution to empowering women and girls, as well her passion for kids, in the community.
Listen to the Full interview here.
To find out more about the Heart Shine Academy click here.