The OZCF will be open this Saturday, 25 April 2020, from 9am to 2pm and every Saturday thereafter, for essential shopping only.

This means that you will be able to purchase grocery items to take home, including fresh produce, meat, fish, bread, cheese, olives and other delicious and nutritious offerings.

Before the COVID19 crisis, their Market was a place to get fresh and healthy food and a social gathering place as well, and hopefully it will be again soon. But as long as this crisis continues, their entire focus is on making their market as safe and efficient as possible, and they have implemented strict safety protocols. This will not be the space that people know and love. There will be no seating and no cooked food or coffee.

But they need your help.

– In order to ensure safe distancing they will limit the number of shoppers.
– For the safety of all, they recommend that everybody wears a face covering.
– All their producers and staff are required to wear face coverings
– Please try and keep your visit as short a possible so others have a chance to shop.
– Please bring your own clean re-usable bags and wash them with hot water and soap after every use.
– No cash. Only credit card and Snapscan will be accepted.
– 1 or 2 people. The smaller the group, the safer
– You will see signs and cones designating 1.5m spaces in lines. Please stand near these cones to ensure a healthy social distance from your fellow shoppers.
– hand sanitizer is available in the market for your use
– Avoid handling produce and food items you do not intend to buy.
– Wash your produce thoroughly when at home and sanitise.
– Also remember to disinfect your car: wipe the steering wheel, the door handles, the gears, any buttons that you had to use.
All current Government rules and regulations apply.

They are operating in extraordinary times. It forces them to extend their capacity for creativity and flexibility, to seek partnerships and collaborations, to adapt to the new ‘normal’ and to feel privileged that, unlike many other people and businesses, they are able to continue to offer healthy, nutritious food to their customers.