If you’re a bedroom artist or making music on the side, recording, possibly even publishing it online on the digital platforms…we’re looking for you and we’re looking to give you the radio platform to share your original music with Cape Town…
Track Name: Chatjies Artist: Milesy
“I’m from Manenberg, been writing music for a few years now, like 3 years probably but never got around to a studio to be able to record it professionally. I’m 24 and I play some guitar – not that good yet but just enough to get by.
That sample of the song you just heard is called “Chatjies” and thats just another name for Manenberg. It’s basically just about how these past few years have been growing up, not just for me but for alotta people here. Some have it worse off. I can still say I’m a bit lucky.
Recently, I saw many artist coming out from places like mine and are speaking their story. I wanna tell some stories too. Still got a lot of work to be done. Besides of the songs I’ve been writing and recording, there’s still alotta polishing up to do. I’ve recorded on my phone for so long now its become part of my writing process. The sample i sent was recorded a few weeks before. I haven’t gotten around to recording the full song yet but I’ve finish writing it.
The main reason I sent the song was to see if people actually like it and maybe I could take it further this coming year. Maybe someone hears it and reaches out. That would be so cool.”
Have a listen to the song here:-