More than half of all adults in the Western Cape, have now received at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine.

As of Tuesday, 2 556 131 people aged 18 and older have been given jabs.

Out of that number, more than 500,000 are aged 60 and older.

That’s 70% of that age group – but still well short of the target of getting 85% of over 50’s fully vaccinated.

And the health department admits they won’t reach their overall target of 70% of all adults vaccinated before the end of December 2021.

Spokesperson, Mark van der Heever, says they will continue with their efforts to increase uptake of vaccination in all groups.

“We would really like to improve the vaccination coverage, particularly of the older and more vulnerable population. With the new Omicron variant rapidly spreading, vaccination is more important than ever before to protect against severe illness and death. We once again appeal to those who have not yet been vaccinated to take up any of the many opportunities we are providing within their communities”.