It’s one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself, your family and your community
How hard do I have to scrub my hands?
Most people don’t rub vigorously enough, when you wash your hands, you are using soap and water to physically dislodge germs from your skin and then rinse them away.
Do I really have to dry my hands?
Most people don’t dry thoroughly enough. Germs love moisture. And don’t be afraid to use a little force here too: You are physically removing whatever germs remain.
What’s the best way to know you’ve washed for 20 seconds?
One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand… or sing the ‘happy birthday song’ twice.
Does it matter what kind of soap I use?
Liquid soap is best. Bar soap is fine too, just don’t let it sit around in a soapy dish. Remember: germs love moisture.
When should I be washing my hands?
Before you leave the house (to protect others from your germs).
And when you arrive at your destination (to wash off germs you’ve picked up from door knobs, elevator buttons, public transportation, etc.)
Before and after you eat or prepare food.
Before and after you clean your home.
After you blow your nose, cough or sneeze.
After you use the bathroom or change a diaper.
After you feed or touch a pet.
What about lotion for dry hands?
Yes, but use your own personal supply, and don’t forget to keep the bottle and dispenser clean!
What’s the technique with hand sanitizer?
Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol, and scrub your hands the same way you would with soap and water. Be sure to use enough liquid so you can reach every surface of your hands.