The Soweto Uprising, also known as 16 June, where a series of protests led by high school students in South Africa that began on the morning of 16 June 1976. To the brave youth that took part, some losing their lives, an annual Youth Day was set to commemorate their sacrifices. June is often referred to as Youth Month and Heart FM through our 16 Days For Youth initiative emphasising the message of how important our youth are. It’s not just about commemoration, we’ll be celebrating the youth of today, the amazing advances young people have led the world in. We asked you to nominate individuals who are helping and giving back in various communities, and we received many nominations for Yolanda Bernard from Rockabye BabyHouse in Kuilsriver.

Rockabye opened its doors on the 20th of December 2005 and is part of the uMephi Program that focuses on the care of abandoned, orphaned, and special-needs babies as well as HIV affected and/or infected babies, and babies from mothers who experience a crisis pregnancy. They take in babies from as young as an hour old. They can stay with them up to the age of 2 years, depending on each case and procedures. They are brought to them by social workers or they fetch them from hospitals. Since 2005 they’ve helped 348 babies to be adopted and be placed with their “forever families”.

Crystal Behr nominated Rockabye BabyHouse, as she is one of the many volunteers that looks after babies from birth. She explains how amazing and selfless these people are, who dedicate all their time and energy into saving and raising these abandoned babies.

Aden Thomas speaks to Yolanda Bernard to find out more, have a listen to the interview here:

If you would like to help or donate to Rockabye BabyHouse, visit