Western Cape Education MEC Debbie Schafer maintains that schools are reopening for teachers and some learners today, despite a message to the contrary from the National Education Minister.
Schafer says her department is acting in accordance with the dates which was gazetted by the Minister last week.
Minister, Angie Motshekga, has been severely criticised for again postponing her planned media briefing scheduled for 6pm yesterday to make a final call on when the first groups of learners will make their way back.
As it stands, teachers are back today and Grades 7 AND 12 learners will only be in the classrooms next Monday the 8th of June.
But in the Western Cape, the situation is very different.
Schafer says the department and schools have made a big effort to get the schools ready and that this week will be used primarily for the orientation of learners.
Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga, is expected to brief the media at 11AM today (1 June)