Spotted a post on Facebook over the week from a guy called Anthony Martin…

“ Good day everyone. As some of you know, or may not know, I am self-employed and do windows cleaning. As it is a non-essential service, I cannot work (just life man others). And like everyone else, I am trying to survive through this difficult time. I am using my love for story-telling to keep myself and my family alive, so I will be able to pay rent and buy food. I have written 2 Afrikaans stories to make some sort of income until I can start working again. I Kindly ask, that if you can afford it to purchase 2 stories at only R50. It’s tittles are, “Beast se woede” (31pages) and “Die Ware Jakob” (38 pages). The stories are quite interesting and I would live to hear your opinion when you have read them. It is in Word format, as well as PDF and it opens easily on any Android device. I can sent it via WhatsApp, Facebook and email….”