Due to the heavy rainfall experienced in Western Cape in the last three weeks, dams have filled up significantly.

The Theewaterskloof Dam is the province’s biggest dam, supplying more than half the water we use, and it’s now officially 100% full.

Provincially, the total storage for all dams now sits at 85%.

That’s a massive 40% more than it was in 2022.

Collectively, the dams that supply water to Cape Town are very nearly at full capacity, compared to this time last year when they were three-quarters full.

For example, dams in the Olifants River Catchment on the West Coast are 99% full. A year ago – they were at just 25% of capacity.

Despite this, the Department of Water and Sanitation is urging residents to use water wisely.

But as things stand, water restrictions are extremely unlikely until the department meets to discuss this in November 2023.