At least 42 Western Cape schools have been vandalised or burgled – during the winter school holidays.

The Western Cape Education Department says this represents a slight increase, compared to the same period in 2021, when 38 schools were targeted.

Authorities say almost all of the incidents were minor in nature.

Items stolen or damaged included bathroom fixtures, fencing, solar panels, consumables such as stationery and cleaning materials, tablets and ICT equipment, security and electrical equipment, and bicycles.

Criminals even looted packs of sanitary pads and first aid kits.

Education MEC David Maynier says that the cost of the incidents is currently estimated at more than R800 000.

ā€œThat means that nearly a million Rand that could have been spent on educating our learners now must be spent on fixing wanton damage. Of particular concern is that some of the schools which fell victim to crime over the holidays had security guards, cameras, and other security features in placeā€.