The ongoing attacks on municipal officials in Cape Town is once again in the spotlight.
This past week, two men were gunned down in Philippi East while escorting workers collecting waste there.
And it is not the first incident.
The two security guards murdered in Philippi East were accompanying workers to deliver a service to the community.
However, their lives were cut short when two suspects, who attempted an armed robbery, shot and killed them.
Earlier this year, another City official Wendy Kloppers was shot dead at the Symphony Way housing construction site.
There’ve been other attacks as well.
In June, three City contractors were robbed and hijacked in Macassar.
And in August, Eskom suspended services to Khayelitsha’s ZweZwe community after two of their employees were robbed at gunpoint and their company car hijacked.
Mayoral committee member, Grant Twigg says communities must work hand-in-hand with the City to protect officials who are there to render services.
” We understand that our communities are scared of what’s happening, but we all have to play our roles in making sure that if we want services rendered we need to safeguard those who are coming in to render the service”.