Ukraine’s ambassador to South Africa says that not a single South African government official has requested a meeting with her.
Liubov Abravitova took to Twitter on Sunday to issue a plea for dialogue with her host country.
She says that in the 45 days since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, she’s had no meeting request from any South African government official.
South Africa has abstained on two votes against Russia in the United Nations during that time.
On Friday, International Relations and Co-operation Minister, Naledi Pandor, defended that stance.
She says South Africa is not indifferent to the suffering of the Ukrainian people – but neutrality is consistent with the call to resolve the conflict through mediation.
Critics point out that the Minister of Defence, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, attended a cocktail party celebrating the Russian army at its embassy on the day of the invasion.
Later, members of the ANC in the Western Cape attended a separate party at the embassy to celebrate 30 years of diplomatic ties between the two nations.
Abravitova has issued a plea to the government to take a stand in light of the devastation in her country.
She says, “even some of my own embassy staff have no homes left to return to. You need to be on the right side of history. You cannot allow this brutal war to continue. Please, stand up for the people of Ukraine”.