Two national ministers met with Phillipi residents on Monday over the issue of relocating people living on the railway lines.

Human Settlements Minister Mamaloko Kubayi and Transport Minister Sindisiwe Chikunga, visited Langa and Phillipi.

Kubayi says the assessment of a parcel of land in Phillipi to accommodate the shack dwellers is underway.

In the meantime, Government has earmarked land owned by PRASA in Stock Road, Phillipi to temporarily relocate nearly 900 families from Nyanga and Phillipi.

This will allow PRASA to continue the recovery work on the Central Line.

Kubayi remains mum on the assessment of the land’s suitability.

But says they are ready to appear before Parliament next week on Wednesday the 20th of September to provide updates.

“All this work that we are doing will be ready for us to give a report to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts based on their resolution, so will have a report for SCOPA”.

Meanwhile, Philippi residents have appealed to government to expedite the process.