The Western Cape Education Department says nearly 12,000 matrics in the province are starting part of their final high school exams on Tuesday.

A vast majority of these pupils are doing the practical exam for Computer Applications Technology, and the remainder will be doing the Information Technology practical exam, on Wednesday.

The provincial education department says it has protocols in place in case of power failures,

But is hopeful that Eskom will “safeguard” exam times from power cuts.

Despite load shedding posing a great challenge, Education MEC, David Maynier, called on learners to not resort to cheating.

“If found guilty, a candidate could be disqualified from the exam, and even be barred from writing up to three subsequent examinations. Criminal prosecution could be instituted should it be found that the candidate is involved in the leakage of any examination question paper. The severe consequences outweigh any perceived benefit of cheating”.