The City of Cape Town is planning to spend around R4.3 billion Rand on water and sanitation infrastructure over the next twelve months.
The municipality has approved the directorate’s budget for the 2023/2024 financial year, which starts in July.
The funding will be spent on informal settlements, Wastewater Treatment Works, and preventing sewer overflows.
“The plan is to spend R38 million on new taps and toilets for informal settlements in addition to services already provided. R1,8 billion is estimated to be spent on extensions and upgrades at WWTWs over the next financial year. And R892,5 million for various projects is proposed to help bolster proactive efforts to assist with preventing sewer overflows. The plan is to spend R157,5 million on generators and UPS installations for sewer and water pump stations as well as bulk water and wastewater treatment plants “, said Mayoral Committee Member for Water and Sanitation, Zahid Badroodien.
” More importantly this budget seeks to ensure that services across our communities reach and delivered equitably, making sure that our services remain functioning in order to make ensure that service delivery is realised in all our communities, especially where it is needed the most”, added Badroodien.