Police Minister Bheki Cele is appealing to Makhaza residents not to disrupt the building process of a new police station there.

Cele made the comments during the sod-turning ceremony, on Wednesday.

It’s been more than two decades that the community has been waiting for a functional police station.

The long-awaited temporary facility is starting to take shape now, with a contractor on site.

The police’s top brass hopes the station will be complete before the end of the year.

Cele says issues among residents must not have an impact on the building project.

“Whatever your problems don’t close to stop this project, just don’t do that. It got nothing to do with you as individuals. This community has to mobilise against whoever wants to stop the project”.

Meanwhile, ward councillor Lucky Mbiza says he concurs that the project must not be disturbed.

“Our internal politics should not disturb the project and the service to the community. We have been looking forward to having this facility for the past 20 years. It’s here we can’t stop it and I support the calls for the arrest of those who disrupt the project”.