The City of Cape Town’s Disaster Management Centre is urging residents to take caution as heavy rainfall continues.

The South African Weather Service issued a warning of disruptive rain and localised flooding of roads and informal settlements on Tuesday.

Disaster Risk Management spokesperson Sonica Lategan says their teams are on standby to deal with any incidents reported.

“Residents are requested to please help reduce risks to their properties by clearing out drainage systems, raising the floor level of a structure so that it is higher than the natural ground level, make sandbags, dig trenches around the house to divert water away from the house, and report blocked drains, intakes and illegal dumping – illegal dumping in the stormwater canals and sewers make flooding worse.

Meanwhile, the City has confirmed the closure of several roads across the City due to flooding:

  1. In the right and centre lane on the N2 outbound before Liesbeeck Park Way. Both lanes are closed.
  2. Strand Street in and outbound between Nelson Mandela and Buitenkant.
  3. On 35th Avenue northbound after Lavis Drive, the left lane is flooded.

Motorists are advised to please be cautious and allow extra travelling time to reach their destination.

Picture: Nur Andi Ravsanjani Gusma (Pexels)