A Manenberg-based community organisation is meeting with the City of Cape Town today in an effort to find solutions to a housing problem there.

The group called Tjatjies Samekoms says the City put up eviction notices at some of its rental units in Manenberg, Macassar and Bishop Lavis last month.

A representative – who wants to be known only as “Gatto” – says they’re not happy with how the situation has been handled.

“They used law enforcement – about four vans, coming to people’s homes to issue them with notices. We think that’s not the way that the City must conduct itself with the residents, you don’t instill fear. The second issue was that their notice is not valid in itself, because you are not telling people what their rights are and what its all about.”

The group will be engaged in talks with Human Settlements Mayoral Committee Member, Malusi Booi, on Friday.

Gatto says – no matter the outcome – the organisation’s duty is to highlight the plight of people in these communities.