Transport authorities in Cape Town are rejecting claims that they’re not issuing operating licenses to Amaphela taxi operators.

The comment follows the torching of Golden Arrow buses and a municipal vehicle in Nyanga and Crossroads, last week

This was seemingly linked to traffic enforcement operations in the area, where Amaphela taxis were impounded.

It’s understood that the operators are accusing the City of not issuing them with licences.

But Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Mobility, Rob Quintas says the claims are misleading..

“Contrary to the messages circulating on social media, the City is still awaiting the ‘new list’ from Kiki Murray Taxi Association for the 170 remaining operating licences to be applied for. To date, only 230 of the agreed upon 400 operating licences have successfully been applied for. The operators are blaming the City when they are the ones that have not fulfilled their part in becoming legal operators”.