Allegations of racism at a school in Cape Town sparked a protest among matric learners on Tuesday.

The incident took place at the Good Hope Seminary High School last week, when one pupil referred to another using a derogatory word.

It’s believed that learners feel the school did not handle the matter with the importance it deserved.

It’s also believed that a parent of the accused learner confronted the other learner on the matter.

But, according to the Western Cape Education Department (WCED), this did not happen.

The department’s Bronagh Hammond says the school indicated that the matter had been resolved.

“The two learners were asked to engage with each other and an apology issued by the accused. This happened on two occasions with both parties indicating that the matter had been resolved. The WCED has not received any complaints recently regarding the school. But, the priority now is to ensure that teaching and learning resumes and that the issues raised are addressed, they are heard, and resolved.”

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