Police Minister Bheki Cele hasn’t treated the murder of Detective Charl Kinnear with the urgency it deserves.

That’s the view of lobby group Afriforum which accuses the SAPS of failing to act on the recommendations of the police watchdog, the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID), regarding the assassination.

Kinnear was killed outside his home in Bishop Lavis in September 2020.

IPID investigated whether the police were negligent in their response to threats against Kinnear before he was killed.

And it’s report directed that disciplinary proceedings should be initiated against certain –  senior SAPS members.

But AfriForum’s Barry Bateman feels Cele has chosen to ignore those recommendations.

“Afriforum Private Prosecution’s Unit believes that police management has by all indications turned a blind eye to the damning findings of this report, which identified senior officers for possible internal and criminal cases which are related to the assassination of  Lieutenant Colonel Charl Kinnear.  Despite the commitments from Police Minister Bheki Cele which were made at the crime scene a day after the murder, nothing has happened”.